The Jewish Community Relations Council serves "to represent the consensus of the organized Jewish community" in the areas of education, government affairs, and coalition building. The Louisville JCRC has recently gone through significant changes, and we welcome community members to …
Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.
Join Cantor Hordes as she takes you on a journey through the sun salutations, and meditations of Torah – every first Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Some yoga mats are available, please bring your own if you have one. Suggested donation …
SATURDAY TORAH STUDY 9:00-10:00 am with Rabbi David Meet in the Fishman Library before the morning service to read and discuss the Torah portion of the week over coffee, bread with jam and cream cheese, and other treats.