
✡ We Stand With the People of Israel ✡

Morning Megillah Reading at AJ

Adath Jeshurun KY

Morning Megillah reading during morning minyan followed by hamantaschen & lox. For additional information contact Debbie Whitlock at 502-458-5359.

Purim Carnival Extravaganza

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville

The Louisville Council of Jewish Congregations is hosting the first-ever Jewish Community Purim Extravaganza! Everyone is welcome, whether a member of a synagogue, the JCC, or unaffiliated. Enjoy kosher carnival food, games and prizes, a sensory-safe coffeehouse, a chance to …

The Trager Family JCC will be open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8.