An online series presented by Israel Educator and Guide, Muki Jankelowitz.
Deepen your understanding of Israel and the current conflict over 5 free sessions.
Each session will take place online at 12:45 p.m.
January 30
History of the Middle East Conflict
This session will discuss, how did the modern Middle East emerged, why is it a region known for conflict’ and what the future holds.
February 20
History of Zionism
Zionism is both a continuation of Jewish History and a revolution against it. This session will look at the emergence of Zionism as a Jewish response to modernity.
March 19
History of Israel
The State of Israel will soon celebrate 76 years of Independence. This session will look at the central events in the decades leading up to the establishment of the State and the events that have shaped the State since it’s founding.
April 16
The Current War
This session will look at the events that led up to the Hamas attack on the 7th of October 2023 and at some of the significant events during the war. * -the content of this session will be updated to reflect developments in the war.
May 21
*Time Change: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
A tour of Jerusalem
Jerusalem looms large in the imagination of Jews, Christians and Muslims. This session will take a tour of the important sights in Jerusalem, from the comfort of your chair.