Leon Wahba, co-chair of the 2023 Community Telethon, speaks to volunteers gathered Sunday (Jan. 29) at the Trager Family JCC.
Almost $160,000 was pledged during the Jewish Federation of Louisville’s Community Telethon, hosted this past Sunday (Jan. 29) at the Trager Family JCC.
The precise total — $159,842 – includes contributions made in the days immediately following the Telethon’s three-hour effort. Among the 166 people who pledged, 48 were first-time givers or those who’d gone at least one year without donating. Another 58 donors increased their gifts compared to previous years.
Sunday’s Telethon kicked off the public phase of the Federation’s 2023 Campaign, whose theme is: “Go Forward.”
“The Community Telethon was a morning full of energy and excitement as we welcomed over 40 volunteers to participate either in person or at their homes,” said Lee Anne Alsup, Senior Manager of Volunteer Engagement and Outreach at the Federation and Trager Family JCC.
“This was a diverse group in age, religious background and race,” she added, pointing out that the cadre of volunteers comprised veteran participants and those stepping up for the first time.
They were a determined collective. “Volunteers persevered after encountering donor voicemails,” Alsup said, “and took pledge cards home to follow-up with donors throughout the week.” She closed with a reminder: Individuals may still get a call and have an opportunity to donate to the 2023 Campaign.