You’re Invited to Try “A Taste of Melton”

When you were young you probably attended Sunday School or Hebrew School where you learned the basics about Judaism. But now, as an adult, do you want to know more about Judaism?

The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School may have the answer for you. Using a world-class curriculum, created by scholars and educators at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Melton offers text-based discussion classes designed for adults.


No previous knowledge of Judaism or Hebrew is required. There are no tests. There is no homework. There are no grades. Classes are small. The teachers are rabbis and scholars. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

You can even try it out before you commit to the program. A Taste of Melton on Sunday, August 15, at 3 p.m. at the home of Melton Co-Chairs Laura and Jon Klein will offer you the opportunity to experience a sample mini-lesson, meet and instructor and former Melton students, and ask any questions you might have.

“It’s wonderful opportunity for learning and discussion,” said Laura Klein, “and it’s easily accessible to anyone, regardless of level of prior knowledge. The classes are open to people from all streams of Judaism, and that is what really enhances the discussion. It’s us learning from the teacher and from each other as well. The fact we all have different backgrounds really enhances the experience.”

In fact, the Kleins became the Melton Mini-School’s strong proponents because they found the program so stimulating and rewarding. When the Klein’s completed their first year of the two-year basic program, it looked like the Louisville program would not be able to continue, so they took the lead and worked with the Jewish Community of Louisville (JCL) to get it back.

After a single semester hiatus, Melton returned and is going strong. The Kleins and their classmates were able to complete their studies and graduated in January 2010, and another group of students completed their first-year studies last spring.

The Kleins are chairing the program, Laura said, “because we gains so much from our first year and we didn’t want to miss our second year. Now we want to see it continue so other people can have the same experience.”

Now Melton is gearing up for the 2010-11 year, and in addition to first and second year classes in the basic Melton Curriculum, Louisville’s Adult Mini-School is introducing a new Melton program, Foundations of Jewish Family Living, that was developed to provide parents with a thought-provoking encounter with many of the core values of Judaism that will enable them to bring the conversation home to share with their young children. This program can be completed in under a year, as it involves only 20 classes.

Special programming for Melton graduates is in the works, too.

For more information, contact JCL Melton Director Matt Goldberg, or 618-5321 or visit online.

[by Shiela Steinman Wallace]

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