Louisville, Ky. (WHAS) – A pro-Palestinian protest took place on the corners at Bardstown Road in Louisville’s Highland’s.
It was to bring awareness to the ongoing tension in the Middle East, particularly with Israel and Palestine. There were people of Muslim, non-Muslim, and Jewish backgrounds who protested.
Louisville resident Marietta Macy is a Christian who recently returned home from the Middle East after helping Palestinian farmers. She says she has no ties to Palestine but feels information is skewed to the American people.
“When America is so fully involved in funding Israeli activities, the American people need to know where their money is going. There is not enough stories from both sides,” Macy said.
According to a Congressional research service report in March, the U.S. has given nearly $3 billion in grants annually to Israel.
“We feel for the innocent civilians in Gaza and Palestine who are suffering at the hands of their own government, because it is only Hamas that is responsible for the suffering of civilians on both sides of the conflict,” Matt Goldberg, Jewish American and Director of Community Relations at the Jewish Community Center said.
Lee Weissbach is Jewish and a history professor at the University of Louisville comments on the crisis in the Middle East.
“I think objectively and looking at the situation academically, if the Palestinians were to stop using violence and try to use other means to get what they want, Israel would not be attacking to Palestinians,” said Weisbach.
An aide to the Palestinian president tells the Associated Press that officials from both sides are in Egypt for serious attempts to reach a cease fire.