Vaad Hakashruth Issues New Mikvah Guidelines

Editor’s note: Louisville Vaad Hakashruth requested Community to print these newly revised guidelines for use of the Mikvah.

The Louisville community Mikvah welcomes and encourages use by Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations. The Mikvah was built with community funds and is maintained by the Vaad HaKashruth through donations from member congregations (currently Adath Jeshurun, Anshei Sfard and Keneseth Israel) and from individuals. In order to help cover the ongoing costs of maintaining a clean, safe, and comfortable Mikvah, the Vaad asks all patrons of the Mikvah to contribute to the Mikvah, but no one is ever turned away for inability to pay.

The Mikvah serves four important purposes.


The hours reserved for women to immerse are after nightfall. All appointments should ideally be made by 9 p.m. the night before immersion. To schedule an appointment, please call Goldie Litvin 494-3774 or other Mikvah attendants to be designated. Towels will be furnished for Women.


In general, use of the Mikvah for conversions will take place on Sunday through Thursday are scheduled by the officiating rabbi by calling Rabbi Evan Rubin at (419) 290-7315 and must occur between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., during the day.


Men will have access to the Mikvah every day in the early morning, on Friday afternoons and on erev Yom Tov afternoon after 12 p.m.. Access may be obtained by contacting Rabbi Rubin or by contacting the rabbi of one’s congregation. Towels are not furnished for Men.


Immersion of dishes can be done by appointment during the following times:

Sunday through Thursday: 2 p.m. to one hour before Sunset

Friday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

All items immersed must be new and devoid of stickers. People immersing dishes must bring their own towels. The Mikvah, surrounding area, all floors, and the waiting room must be left clean and dry. Do not leave boxes, papers, etc. Access may be obtained by contacting Rabbi Rubin or by contacting the rabbi of one’s congregation.

In case of urgent need for use of the Mikvah during the daytime that does not conform to the above guidelines, a person should contact Rabbi Rubin at (419) 290-7315. Nighttime use is strictly for women.

The Mikvah serves several constituencies.

  • All Jewish congregations and organizations in Louisville are invited to contribute to the Louisville Mikvah. Each congregation shall pay an annual fee of $1500. This entitles the congregation’s rabbis and its members to use of the Mikvah.
  • Households unaffiliated with member congregations shall pay an annual fee of $180 or a one-time use fee of $18. Fees for one-time use must be paid before using the Mikvah. Households are defined as all individuals living in one house.
  • For utensil toveling, indivuduals unaffiliated with member conbgregations shall pay $9 per session.

Fees will be collected by the Mikvah attendants or Rabbi Rubin prior to use the Mikvah.


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