Temple Shalom Education
4615 Lowe Road
Louisville, KY 40220
(502) 458-4739
Fax: (502) 451-9750
As a Beit Midrash, a place for learning, Temple Shalom strives to serve the needs of all congregants – regardless of age. Visit http://templeshalomky.org/study/ for current classes and schedules.
K. A. T. S. Judaic Education
Beginning in the fall of 2008, Temple Shalom implemented the Louisville Hebrew School curriculum and partnered with the Adath Jeshurun and Keneseth Israel synagogue in K.A.T.S. (The Keneseth Israel-Adath Jeshurun-Temple Shalom Religious School). Religious School grades kindergarten-one meet in the Keneseth Israel building on Sunday mornings; grades two-five meet at Temple Shalom. Students in grades six-eight participate in Kehila, the community middle school program housed at Adath Jeshurun. High school students attend the High School of Jewish Studies.
Louisville Hebrew School
Hebrew language training begins in the first grade under the auspices of the Louisville Hebrew School. Beginning in second grade, Temple Shalom students learn Hebrew both Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. The Wednesday classes meet at the Jewish Community Center. Temple Shalom also partners with Keneseth Israel at the KI Preschool, which Rabbi Miles visits every Erev Shabbat.
Adult Education
Rabbi Miles leads a biweekly Torah Lunch at the Home of the Innocents. Classes in Bible, Torah and Hebrew are conducted for adults in the congregation, and bar/bat mitzvah training is available for all age groups. Rabbi Miles conducts holiday workshops for Pass-over and Chanukah. Rabbi also leads congregational trips to Washington, D.C., New York and Israel, enabling members to experience the world together. He is one of the representatives of the Jewish community on the weekly TV program, WHAS’ The Moral Side of the News, on Sunday mornings.