Middle School & Teens

The Middle School & Teen programs from the JCL offer events and activities for teens age 13-19!

There are a variety of exciting programs for teens to participate in throughout the year.

For more information, contact Michael Steklof, Teen Director, msteklof@jewishlouisville.org, 502-238-2774.


B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) is a youth-led, non-sectarian, community-wide youth group for Jewish high school students. Here in Louisville, there is the Drew Corson AZA (for guys) and Jay Levine BBG (for girls). Programs are planned by teen leaders with support and guidance from professional staff. Click here to learn more.

B’nai Tzedek

Starting a B’nai Tzedek Fund is easy.  You just take some of your gift money.  The Jewish Foundation of Louisville will match part of it with dollars from the Lewis D. Cole B’nai Tzedek Fund – and voila, you’ve done it.  The money in your B’nai Tzedek Fund is invested and then every year you get to decide which Jewish charities will get a portion of the allocatable dollars from your fund. Click here to learn more.

Maccabi Games

The JCC Maccabi Games® are an Olympic-style sporting competition held each summer in North America and is the second largest organized sports program for Jewish teenagers in the world. This two week competition has featured many world class Jewish athletes. Click here to learn more.

Teen Connection

Teen Connection is the BBYO experience made just for pre-high school students who want to enjoy social, recreational, athletic, cultural, and Judaic activities with new friends! Join Teen Connection and be part of something exciting. Something big. Something important. Get a taste of all the great activities that await you as a highschooler in BBYO. Click here to learn more.

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