[by Hayley Grossman]
As 2010 comes to an end, I wanted to recap all of the great youth group memories from this year.
During the fall semester, all of the youth groups came together and gave back to the community in many ways.
TLTY, SHoRTY, and USY have all had great semesters. Whether it was leading services at their temples and synagogues, leading the hunger walk or participating in a limousine scavenger hunt, there was a range of activities.
BBYO has also continued to keep busy. The Boys and Girls Chapter took home trophies after winning first place in the first annual KIO Basketball Tournament. Also, the girls took home the KIO Spirit Stick at a regional convention and the boys came in a strong second.
BBYO’s membership and programs have significantly increased and gotten stronger. Next up is the BBYO Regional 2010 convention: One Life, One List, Your Buried Life. I am coordinating it with a co-chair from Cincinnati, OH. We expect almost 150 attendees from Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio (KIO).
Also, BBYO has promptly taken the initiative to help out Haifa during the devastating forest fire. Every chapter in the region is collecting money in order to help rebuild what has been destroyed. If you would like to donate to help Israel at this time, you may donate through the boys or girls chapters. Checks should be made payable to the Jewish National Fund. Send contributions c/o the Jewish Community Center attention to Justin Sadle, our wonderful adult BBYO advisor and the director of the KIO Region. The cost to replant one tree is $18. Justin will make sure checks are forwarded to the Jewish National Fund.
As 2011 creeps up on us, here is a resolution you might think about. Perhaps in addition to attending your youth group programs and participating, you will also take the opportunity to join in as a leader. Or, you can even run for a leadership position. Jewish youth groups give teens many wonderful opportunities, so take advantage of them. It has been said, “Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary.” So, take the initiative and become an inspirational Jewish teen leader in the community.
Happy New Year!