Security is Everyone’s Concern

Recent tragic events have heightened everyone’s awareness of the constant need to be vigilant and observant in our lives. The JCC and many other organizations across North America are preparing to upgrade the level of security in their buildings.

In the next few days, you will begin to see evidence of this work. Cables and cameras are being installed throughout the building, thanks to a security grant from the Kentucky Colonels and a generous anonymous contribution to cover the required match portion of the project.

But cameras only represent a small part of how we are raising the level of security. The most effective way to protect everyone in the building is to limit unauthorized access. On Monday, March 4, 2013, we will switch to a ONE ENTRY/ONE EXIT policy. The new policy requires you to enter and exit through the main lobby doors Sunday-Friday and the Health and Wellness entrance by the Outdoor Pool on Saturday.

We ask that all members and staff scan their membership cards at the main desk Sunday-Friday and the Health and Wellness desk on Saturday. If you have misplaced your membership card, please let us know so we may issue you a new one. We will also contact members to make sure everyone has a picture on file. If you are a guest to our building, you will now be required to check in at the main desk (Sunday-Friday) or Health and Wellness desk (Saturday).

Our children are our future and we need to take care for their safety and protection. The Early Childhood Department will also be a part of our One Entry/Once Exit system. We will be distributing full drop off and pick up details in the coming weeks for your child(ren)’s teacher or caregiver to help make this an easier transition for all.

There are many doors throughout our building that will be designated as Emergency Doors ONLY! These doors will be clearly marked over the next two weeks in order to familiarize everyone before we activate the alarms. We ask for your cooperation in finding alternate means of entry and exit in order to maintain a secure facility. Some areas which are used for programs may, at our discretion, have the alarms turned off during the allotted program scheduled time. At these times, our staff will be sure to disarm and open the doors prior to the program.

We are happy to continue hosting events and committee meetings in our facility and ask for your cooperation by signing in and providing identification at the desks. We have asked our staff and event planners to provide the desk staff with a list of participants for these events. Please help us speed up the process by being prepared to sign in and present some identification if you are asked by our staff.

This is just the beginning of our efforts to provide you with a secure and safe environment on our campus. We will be updating you on a regular basis as we continue to upgrade the facility for your safety.

Thank you for your cooperation. Your safety is our priority.

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