On Thursday, October 6, internationally known Pastor John Hagee made an appearance at the Evangel World Prayer Center on Billtown Road for a service, and, at the invitation of the Evangel World Prayer Center, several members of the Jewish community attended.
Evangel Center’s Pastor Bob Rodgers thanked the Jewish people in the crowd, acknowledging and honoring Yom Kippur. He also said his church was there to support the Jewish community and support and defend Israel.
Pastor Hagee gave a meaningful sermon about the need for people to stop being persistently anxious and the need to take difficult situations in stride. He also acknowledged the Jewish community, while affirming his commitment to Israel. Alan Engel, former executive director of the Jewish Federation of Louisville, presented Pastor Hagee with a copy of the book, Jewish Louisville: Portrait of a Community.
After the service, the members of the Jewish community in attendance were invited to dinner with Pastor Hagee and Pastor Rodgers, where the church leaders again pledged their support for the Jewish community and the State of Israel.