Missions to Israel

Louisville community missions to Israel organized by the Jewish Community of Louisville always offer a number of unique opportunities. They bring together  diverse groups of people, many of whom do not know each other until they travel together, and they offer participants a wide range of experiences that help them discover the excitement of Israel and the strength and breadth of Louisville’s connection to the Western Galilee and the Jewish State.

In an overview of one trip, Ed Gould observed, “The thing that struck me the most is the positive attitude of the people of Israel. They are very positive about the future and about the state of Israel itself. … The economy in Israel is at an all time high; the number of patents exceeds that of any other country” and in the field of technology, Israel is a leader.

“It was my first trip to Israel,” said Leonard Wexler, and “I really was glad I went. … It was nice being with a group of people, a number of whom I knew, learning something about our connection with [the JCL] and some of the activities, which are made possible by our financial and personal support.”

Trips often include numerous stops at historic and religious places of interest. Lauren Kerr found the entire Israel experience to be profoundly moving, but difficult to articulate. “I experienced my Judaism with a much wider context that included the realities of my history.”

“I was startled by how beautiful Israel is,” she added. “I didn’t know such a dry, desert-like, craggy land could be so beautiful.”

To learn more about missions to Israel or to express an interest in our next trip, contact Sara Wagner at (502) 238-2779.


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