The membership card issued to you is non-transferable and must be carried with you at all times. You must use your membership card to check in at the Welcome Desk and at the Sports and Wellness Desk every time you enter the facility. If you do not have your membership card, you will be asked to show a valid photo ID. Your membership card must be shown for identification upon request of any JCC staff member.
Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to the JCC membership office. A replacement card will be issued and a $5 replacement fee will apply.
JCC may videotape or photograph participants enrolled in programs, classes and/or while enjoying JCC facilities. These photographs are for JCC publications, flyers, publicity efforts, brochures, web use, other electronic communications or video usage. All photos and videos are for JCC use and become the sole property of JCC.
The card holder is entitled to guest privileges in any other Jewish Community Center, YM or YWHA affiliated with the JCC Association. The privileges are subject to the rules and regulations of the participating Center. See Membership Office for details.
Membership to the JCC includes an automatic subscription to Community, the Jewish community’s newspaper. The Jewish Community of Louisville may use your contact information to send periodic news about upcoming events. For full disclosure of the JCL’s Privacy Policy, please contact us directly at (502) 459-0660 or click here.
By providing your e-mail address, you are automatically subscribed to the JCC e-News. It is understood that the JCC may send you periodic information on programs and events via e-mail. The JCL will keep your e-mail address private and will not sell or share it with any outside vendor.
The playgrounds, pavilion, softball fields and tennis courts close at dusk and re-open at dawn unless there is an officially sponsored or approved event or other use approved by the JCC administration.
Public phones are available in the main lobby and Health & Wellness area and are available for members’ use. Long distance, 1-800 numbers and pay calls cannot be accessed from these phones. Please be respectful of other members and staff and limit conversations to 10 minutes.
The JCC is not responsible for items lost, damaged or stolen while on the property. Please make sure to secure your valuables in a locked vehicle and/or locker. Should an item be lost or stolen, please inform JCC Security immediately at (502) 238-2754. Should a lost or stolen item be located, it becomes your responsibility to properly identify the item and claim it within 30 days. The JCC and its staff will make every effort to return found items to the original owners; however, the JCC claims no responsibility for securing these items.