March of the Living: Day 2

(Editor’s Note: Jewish Youth Director Kari Semel is leading a group of Jewish Louisville teens in Poland for the 2018 March of the Living, and she will be sending home photos of their experiences.)

Today has already been a long day, and we still have a lot left to do tonight.
This morning, we toured Birkenau and Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp. The pictures below show the girls listening to survivors give their testimonies at the cable car at Birkenau, walking under the Arbeit Macht Frei sign at Auschwitz, and hanging with our friend … Colonel Sanders!. The girls spoke for a while with the Blue bus survivor, Sam Ron, who was so happy to receive an old Louisville Maccabi pin as a token from the Kentucky group.
We’re heading back to Krakow to tour the old city and have dinner and an evening program with Polish teens at the Krakow Jewish Community Center.


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