Jewish Louisville is embracing the LIFE & LEGACY program.
In just five months, 76 people have made more than 100 bequests or newly endowed gifts to all nine participating organizations and synagogues. Those gifts reflect over $2.7 million in new giving.
In September, Jewish Family & Career Services and the Jewish Federation of Louisville joined Adath Jeshurun in securing more than 18 legacy gifts. All three institutions have qualified for the end-of-year incentive gift of $5,000 from the Jewish Community of Lousville for reaching their community commitment.
LIFE & LEGACY is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the JCL and the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence that promotes after-lifetime giving to Jewish agencies and synagogues in Louisville and almost 50 other cities across the United States.
JCL LIFE & LEGACY Coordinator Jennifer Tuvlin said participation in the program reflect a giver’s “Jewish passions.”
Prospective donors, she said can contact her or one of the nine participating organizations, to establish a legacy gift.
In addition to AJ, JFCS and the Federation, the other participants are The J, Chabad, Keneseth Israel, LBSY, Temple Shalom and The Temple.