To the Editor:
I strongly support Israel, philosophically as well as in word and in deed. I also support the work of the Jewish Community of Louisville here at home. I neither support nor agree with any organization that takes anti-Israel positions.
That said, I am deeply disappointed not only that JCL continues to align itself with Christians United for Israel, but also that in its coverage of the May 15th CUFI event at Louisville’s Evangel World Prayer Center, Community failed to note the divisive issues, both for Israel and for the Louisville Jewish community, raised by JCL’s association with such an organization.
Along with its stated support for Israel and despite unconvincing claims to the contrary, CUFI and its founder/director, John Hagee, tout a regressive political agenda that is personally offensive to me and many others in the Louisville Jewish community.
The “Israel needs all the help it can get” argument is hollow. Israel is not helped when it is associated with a world view that violates fundamental principles of social justice and basic human decency. It is also interesting that that Hagee’s stated respect for Judaism (not Reform Judaism, it should be noted) apparently stems from his view that Judaism paved the way for Christianity. His professed love of Jews, Judaism and Israel would be more convincing if he respected all of our traditions and beliefs on their own merits.
Again, I strongly support Israel and the work of JCL. If JCL continues to align itself with organizations like Hagee’s, however, it runs the risk of alienating not only the broader community, but those of us whom it is supposed to represent.
Barbara Myerson Katz