Kefiada Will Bring Israel to Camp

[by Jacob Efman]

A group of Israeli teens who are participating in the Kefiada program will arrive in Louisville next week to work with the summer camp program at the Jewish Community Center. They will share their love for Israel with our community and teach about Israel, Judaism and their experiences through special activities, games, crafts and programs for the campers.

To be chosen for the extremely selective exchange program, the teens had to undergo several rounds of interviews in English to test their commitment.

During their three weeks here, the Israelis will live with different host families. The teens will also learn about Louisville’s Jewish Community by socializing and meeting as many people as possible and visiting areas outside of town with American Jewish teens.

Community members are invited to meet and welcome these teens to our community.The Kefiada program is a part of the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Partnership with Israel program. The Louisville Jewish Community has been an active participant in the program since its inception in 1997. Louisville is a part of the Central Area Consortium including 16 Midwestern communities partnered with Israel’s Western Galilee region, located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and extending from Acco to Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.


The Partnership with Israel is designed to foster individual relationships between Israelis and Americans. Some American teens also volunteer in the Western Galilee for the summer as part of Kefiada.

The Partnership with Israel receives support from the Jewish Community of Louisville’s Annual Campaign. Louisville has benefited from the Partnership with Israel program through numerous exchanges in medicine, art, music, education and business throughout the years.

To learn more about Kefiada or how you can participate in Partnership with Israel programs, please contact  Louisville’s Partnership Chair Kathy Karr or JCL Executive Director of Philanthropy Alan Engel at 451-8840 or

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