Judaism is rich with traditions and rituals, and no time of year highlights them better than the Passover Seder. Warm and welcoming, the Seder explains things in enough detail so even the person who knows nothing about our Jewish heritage can learn and understand.
That makes the Passover Seder an ideal opportunity to share a piece of our heritage with the non-Jewish community. Each year, the Jewish Community Louisville’s Community Relations Council invites churches and other groups throughout our community to host a Model Seder through CRC’s Interfaith Seder Program.
Led by volunteers from the Jewish communities, these Seders offer non-Jewish groups the opportunity to experience this beautiful Jewish tradition in their own houses of worship. CRC will be offering Seders from February 28-March 18. Churches are already signing up for the program, and the CRC is looking for volunteers to lead them.
The churches put lots of energy into their Seders and those who attend are usually quite interested in the proceedings. The participants welcome this opportunity and are very excited about learning. They often pose questions that allow Seder leaders to share some of their personal experiences.
Seder leaders can work alone or in teams and families are welcome to participate. CRC handles the details and matches volunteers to the specific dates and locations best for them. The JCL supplies Haggadot specifically written for the Model Seder experience along with matzah, Passover candy and Seder plates. Training is available for those who have questions or would like to be more effective Seder leaders. The date will be announced soon.
Please call 451-8840 by February 12 to sign up as a Model Seder leader. Leon Wahba chairs the Community Relations Council.