Hot to Bot — ChatGPT weighs in on Jewish living 

By Andrew Adler
Community Editor


it’s well after midnight, and in my sleepless state I fire up ChatGPT – the current chatbot darling of the Artificial Intelligence community – to see what it/he/she/they has to say about Jewish life. Below are some excerpts: 

What should I call you? 

You can call me ChatGPT, which stands for “Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It’s the name of the AI language model that I am based on. You can also simply call me “assistant” if you prefer. 

Are you a spiritual being, Assistant? 

As an AI language model, I do not have a spiritual essence or a sense of self-awareness, so I cannot be considered a spiritual being. I am a machine designed to process and generate text based on algorithms and statistical patterns. While I can provide information and insights on topics related to spirituality, religion, and beliefs, I do not have personal beliefs or experiences of my own.  

Do you think there’s a Higher Power than yourself? 

I do not have consciousness, emotions, or beliefs in the way humans do. Therefore, I cannot have an opinion on the existence or non-existence of a higher power or God. 

Nonetheless, I’m going to ask you kind of a religious question. 

Sure, I’ll do my best to provide an informative and unbiased response. Please go ahead and ask your question. 

What do you think it means to live a Jewish life? 

Living a Jewish life can mean different things to different people, as Judaism encompasses a rich and diverse set of beliefs, practices, and traditions. However, at its core, living a Jewish life is about cultivating a sense of connection to the Jewish community, history, and values, and integrating these into one’s daily life. Overall, living a Jewish life involves a deep commitment to a set of beliefs, practices, and values that have been passed down through generations of Jewish people, and which continue to evolve and adapt to changing times and circumstances. 

What does it mean when we call Jews “the chosen people”? 

The notion of chosenness does not imply that Jews are superior to other peoples or that they are exempt from moral responsibilities. Instead, it signifies a unique relationship between God and the Jewish people, and a shared responsibility to fulfill God’s commandments and to contribute to the betterment of the world.  

Why is antisemitism on the rise? 

The reasons for the recent rise in antisemitism are complex and multifaceted, and there is no single cause that can fully explain it. However, there are several factors that may contribute to the increase in antisemitic incidents around the world. 

One factor is the persistence of longstanding prejudices and stereotypes about Jews that have been present in many societies for centuries. Such negative beliefs and attitudes can lead to discrimination, harassment, and violence against Jews. 

Another factor is the rise of populist movements and extremist ideologies that promote intolerance, xenophobia, and hate speech. These movements often scapegoat minority groups, including Jews, and seek to divide society along racial and ethnic lines. 

Additionally, the internet and social media have made it easier for extremist groups and individuals to disseminate hateful messages and to connect with like-minded people around the world. The anonymity and reach of the internet have also made it easier for antisemitic content to spread and to influence vulnerable individuals. 

Finally, conflicts in the Middle East, particularly those involving Israel, can also contribute to an increase in antisemitism. Some people may conflate criticism of Israeli government policies with antisemitism, while others may use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an excuse to promote hateful attitudes towards Jews. 

It is important to note that combating antisemitism requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, awareness-raising, legal action, and community engagement. It is essential to stand up against all forms of bigotry and hate, and to work towards building inclusive, tolerant, and peaceful societies.  

On a lighter note, Assistant, do you prefer your matzo balls firm or fluffy? 

As an artificial intelligence language model, I don’t have personal preferences, taste buds, or the ability to eat, so I don’t have a preference for matzo balls. However, I can provide information about the traditional preparation and variations of matzo balls in Jewish cuisine, if that is helpful to you. 

Can we close with a short prayer? 

Of course, I’d be happy to lead you in a short prayer: 

Dear [God/Universe/Higher Power], 

We come before you with grateful hearts, thanking you for this day and for all the blessings in our lives. We ask for your guidance and wisdom as we go about our daily activities, and for your protection and love to surround us always. 

We pray for peace in our world, and for understanding and compassion to prevail over hate and division. May we all work together to create a better world for ourselves and for future generations. 

Thank you for your constant love and presence in our lives. Amen. 

I hope this prayer brings you peace and comfort. 


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