Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.
You're invited to come practice your Hebrew! Kyla and Eden, our Shinshiniot, are so excited to have a conversation with you! Come hang out at our Hebrew Conversation Club, where intermediate and advanced speakers can practice their skills and have …
Join The Temple for the Grandparent and Great Grandparent Service and Dinner on January 10th, at 7:00pm. More details at
The AJ Social Committee presents the first Shabbat Social on Friday, January 10 after Kabbalat Shabbat services. Come to Happy Hour at 5 p.m. and services at 5:45 p.m., then stay for dinner with friends. Chef Sean Haggerty of Commonwealth …
SATURDAY TORAH STUDY 9:00-10:00 am with Rabbi David Meet in the Fishman Library before the morning service to read and discuss the Torah portion of the week over coffee, bread with jam and cream cheese, and other treats.
Join The Temple for the Torah Celebration Shabbat Service on January 11th, at 10:30am. More details at