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FREE Film-Louisville Jewish Film Festival: I See You (Virtual Only Short Film)

Virtual KY

A poignant portrait of Danny Layani, who, after 25 years of total blindness, regains his sight and sees his wife and four children for the very first time. However, the newfound light in Danny’s life begins to dim. Through intimate family archives and meticulous animated paintings, Danny shares his captivating story of resilience, self-discovery, and the profound power of perspective.

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Louisville Jewish Film Festival: The Milky Way (Virtual ONLY)

Virtual KY

Desperate to support her baby, single mother and offbeat musician Tala takes a job at the Milky Way, producing breast milk sold to new mothers who cannot or do not produce their own.  In this dystopian dark comedy, Tala juggles motherhood and employment, while sneaking a glimpse into the wealthy lives of those who buy her breast milk. 

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Louisville Jewish Film Festival: Running On Sand (Virtual)

Virtual KY

Eritrean refugee Aumari is slated for deportation from Israel on a technicality. After ducking immigration authorities at the airport, he becomes the unlikely and very perplexed recipient of a hero’s welcome. He is mistaken for an eagerly anticipated Nigerian soccer player who is supposed to arrive at the same time, Though lacking a fundamental knowledge of the sport, he finds himself the face of the franchise.

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Louisville Jewish Film Festival: Where Life Begins (Virtual)

Virtual KY

An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains comes to a farm in Calabria for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting etrog citrons for Sukkot. When Elio, the farm owner, meets Esther, the rabbi’s daughter, who is tired of the constraints imposed by her religion, their relationship sparks a lasting change for each of them.  


Saturday Morning Torah Study

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville

SATURDAY TORAH STUDY 9:00-10:00 am with Rabbi David Meet in the Fishman Library before the morning service to read and discuss the Torah portion of the week over coffee, bread with jam and cream cheese, and other treats.  

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Louisville Jewish Film Festival: Bad Shabbos

Trager Family JCC 3600 Dutchmans Ln, Louisville

In this off-beat comedy, two couples - Abby and Benjamin, and David and Meg (freshly converted to Judaism) - gather for a traditional Shabbat dinner, but things spiral faster than you can say “hamotzi” when an accidental death (or is it a murder?) derails the evening entirely.