$2,329,978 Raised to Date – 2011 Campaign Makes Good Progress; More to Be Done

[by Shiela Steinman Wallace]

Thank you.

What a difference two weeks can make. In the last issue of Community, it was reported that the 2011 Campaign was still $500,000 short of what was raised last year and that shortfall threatened to jeopardize some of the programs and services funded by the Campaign.

Because you stepped up to meet the challenge, that shortfall has been significantly reduced, and the total raised by June 13 for 2011 Jewish Community of Louisville Annual Campaign is $2,329,978.

That total is important, because the Planning and Allocations Committee met on June 13 to decide on its funding recommendations for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Those recommendations, which will be presented for JCL Board approval on June 28, will provide for most of our community’s needs while we maintain our current level of support for Israel and Jews-at-risk around the world.

We have made great progress, but that does not mean the work is done. This has been a difficult year for many people. The economic recovery has been minimal, and many people are still unemployed or underemployed. They need our help.

Others have not been able to make the same commitments they have in the past. At the same time the need for scholarships, counseling, career services and other support is increasing.
Our community is changing, too. There is more programming for middle schoolers, teens and young adults, and greater cooperation among our agencies and synagogues. We’re concerned about the future needs of the growing senior population (see story on the Community Planning Forum and senior transportation survey). The JCL is also taking steps to reduce costs and become more efficient (see story about Community).

In order to provide additional support where it is needed and to continue to move our community forward, the Campaign must continue our fundraising efforts. “We encourage everyone who has not yet made their commitments to the 2011 Campaign to do so today,” said Campaign Director Sara Wagner. “It’s not too late.”

Despite the challenges of our times, significant progress has been made.

“It was a real team effort by both staff and volunteers,” said 2011 Campaign Chair Ralph Green. “There was a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and hopefully we’ve gotten the message out that it’s a new day for the JCL and we’re looking for the community to get behind it.”

Green believes the community response in the last two weeks demonstrates that this hope is becoming reality. “Those who contributed can take comfort in the fact that the agencies will get the allocations they deserve.”

“Ralph and his team of volunteers deserve our thanks and praise for the tremendous effort that has brought our Campaign to this point,” said Wagner.

“What we do,” Green added, “is build and maintain a strong Jewish community, both here and throughout the world. Only when all of us participate can we make that happen.”

“Thanks to all the volunteers and professionals” who made this Campaign happen, Green said, “and special thanks to [JCL Board Chair] David Klein, Sara Wagner and [JCL President and CEO] Stu Silberman for their constant support.”

Others who played leadership roles throughout the Campaign and contributed to its success were David Kaplan and Jennifer Leibson, who served as YAD co-chairs; Julie Ellis, who chaired the Ben Gurion Society, and along with Kate Latts, Maxine Rouben and Jennifer Tuvlin, co-chaired the Lion of Judah and Pomegranate Division event; Seth and Heather Gladstein, who co-chaired the YAD Annual Event; Joy Kaplan and Linda Schuster, who chaired the Big Bang Wednesday event with Mayim Bialik; and Barbara Franklin, who chaired Super Sunday.

Many others served on the committees for these events, giving generously of their time and energy.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Campaign.

To support the 2011 Campaign, please pledge online today by clicking here or call 451-8840.

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